News & Announcements

Update on the Formation of the Recreation Plan Committee

November 14th, 2023 Update:

At our Regular Board meeting held on November 14th, 2023 in Copper Harbor, Grant Township Founding Resolution #17-2023 and #18-2023, Formation of the Recreation Plan Committee with Appendix A were both adopted, and the following nine founding members appointed: Rich Jamsen, Ronnie Mae Krueger, Harley Lewis, Michael Lydon, Gina Nicholas, Meg North, Susan Pokorski, Sam Raymond, and Adam Yeoman, with Sam Raymond being appointed as Chair. The initial meeting will be held in late January or February and will be announced via public notice and during our Regular Board meeting to be held January 9th, 2024 in Copper Harbor.

Original announcement below


To our Grant Township residents and taxpayers,

The Grant Township Board intends to soon vote on the founding resolutions to form the all new Grant Township Recreation Plan Committee. All of the existing committee members from the '5-Year Recreation Plan Steering Committee' will be considered for the new committee, as well as (4) new possible committee members who already submitted letters of interest during the review period.

Please note the updated timeline: The anticipated Recreation Plan Committee formation timeline is November 14th 2023, to formally adopt the Recreation Plan Committee Founding Resolution with Appendix A and Appoint (not less than 5, not more than 9) Founding Members and announce the first meeting date and time.

The primary goal for this new Recreation Plan Committee is to remain active throughout each year (as opposed to only every 5 years) to further develop the projects listed within the approved 5-Year Recreation Plan.

Letters of interest can still be sent to the Township Supervisor Scott Ochodnicky at:

Please see attached PDF below for the Final DRAFT copy of Grant Township Founding Resolution #17-2023 and #18-2023, Formation of the Recreation Plan Committee with Appendix A.


Grant Township, Keweenaw County, Michigan


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